NRA Concealed Carry Course
The State of Illinois mandates that those individuals who wish to possess a Concealed Carry License must successfully complete an approved 16-hour curriculum including a live-fire qualification to confirm a shooters capabilities and proficiency. This session will focus on the fundamentals of using a handgun for personal defense, the Conceal Carry Act of Illinois, as well as other federal and State laws. Related topics to include:
Firearm Safety
Pistol nomenclature and selecting a Pistol for Self-Defense
Ammunition Knowledge
Basic Defensive Pistol Skills
Drawing from Concealment
Loading and Stoppage Remediation
Mindset, Responding to an Attack and the Aftermath
Carry Modes and Pistol Concealment
Firearm Cleaning and Maintenance
Training Activities
Ammunition and Firearm (9mm) will be provided for the Qualification component. The qualification will include 30 rounds shot at various distances. If the participant chooses to use their own [legal] firearm, they may do so and should bring their own ammunition if the caliber of their firearm is different than 9mm. If additional ammunition is needed for a re-qualification or additional practice by the client, additional costs will apply.