Introduction to Firearms
According to recently published data, over 28 million Firearms were sold in the United States during the first 10 months of 2020. While Illinois is home to less than 4% of the US population, the 5.6 million firearms purchases comprised almost 18% of the total sales taking the number one spot for total firearms sales - more than double the sales in Kentucky which came in 2nd place. Regardless of your position on firearms, they are in more homes than ever and having a basic understanding of the various types and how to safely handle a firearm or even simply confirm that the firearm is unloaded may help to prevent an accident.
Introduction to Firearms is an informative look at the various types of firearms most commonly used in the US, their function, typical applications and ammunition options. This overview is targeted to those individuals who have little to no experience with firearms and would like to learn the fundamentals from a practical standpoint and be acclimated to the necessary safety skills of handling a firearm in a safe manner.